The Good, The Bad, and The Banned
Exhibition Overview
The ban and censorship of graphic novels has been successfully carried out in places worldwide as an underlying attempt to make certain ideas unheard and unseen. Graphic novels like Spiegelman’s Maus and Satrapi’s Persepolis are two examples of banned books that cover important historical events which inevitably become violent but are still blamed for being so. This exhibition on graphic novel bans aims to explore these novels’ themes on political turmoil in the Holocaust and the Iranian Revolution in addition to issues of racism, violence, sexual content, and homophobia. Seemingly, restrictions on the flow of socially unacceptable ideas add more fervor to the fight of these authors and designers alike in sharing their stories.
Download the Full Process Book
The exhibition was broken up into four main phases, each using different design practices to address a specific aspect. View each individual phase above or download the full process book below to see the complete research and inspiration for the project.